Various Tools: Many different tools for working with selections. You never know when
you might |
SelectionMixer BitmapSelect Various Selection tools NormalSelect - Interactively select polygons/vertices/edges
based on which SelectHalf - Select half the mesh in the specified
axis, based on the pivot DistanceSelect - Interactively select polygons/vertices/edges
based on the PerspectiveGrow - Interactively select and grow polygons/vertices/edges PerspectiveSelect - Select polygons/vertices/edges
which point towards the view to a certain extent. Optional automatic
outline and applies withing the current
Go to the Videos section of the website to view videos of the tools in action. Go here to view a list of all the featured tools in PolyBoost. Available for download is also the PolyBoost user-reference with more
extensive Some notes about the tools: |